We strive for EGGcellence!

Our Organic eggs come from our hand raised hens. They are fed organic layer feed and I hope to free-range them during the day again soon. I had to stop for a time because I have a rather mean Rooster who likes to flog people. We currently have two Australorpe hens from our first year raising chickens. Olivia “Hen”son and “Hen”ifer Aniston are two years old and they are our best (and currectly ONLY) egg producers.

In my first attempt at chicken keeping, I got a straight run (10, day old chicks, both boys and girls) of Australorpes. Unfortunately, I lost one in shipping and of the remaining 9 chicks, FIVE were roosters. The roosters were re-homed to a local family who wanted to breed them with their hens and the 4 remaining hens stayed with us. In an effort to familiarize myself with multiple breeds, I also got a pair each of Golden Comet and Easter Egger (Americauna) hens as well as two Swedish Flowers, both of which turned out to be Roosters; because it was apparently the year of the rooster. After some run-aways, possible animal snatches and some random beginner’s error, I was only left with the two hens by this summer, 2024.

In an effort to grow my flock, this year I bought from a family owned farm in Mississippi and I got a couple shipments of Swedish Flower hens. Just my luck, a few of them turned out to be roosters, though. That, coupled with my own hens hatching some eggs, the final count lands at 16, varying from a few weeks old to a couple years old. I hope to have the next generation laying by the end of this summer and have TONS of organic eggs.